I hope no one has any requirement to call this bunch of useless fools, but if you do then take the following advice.
"customer services" for want of a better title
A. Make sure you have plenty of time when contacting them
B. Stay calm
C. Are in a position to speak to their manager at their convience the next working day.
D. Are able to explain your problem to a different person each time you call, as they will not transfer you!!!
E. Are able to stay calm, after all the above, after providing all the evidence including dealers and ford assessor's verdicts for them to tell you to politely stop bothering them.
In all, after the "customer services" experience, I will not be collecting my
, Ford have lost a customer and I will never buy another, nor recommend them to anyone!!
Sad, that such a great car had to be produced by a company that think this is "customer service"
(going to join the clio 182 club)